Our Mission

To provide the highest quality research, education, and advocacy to maximize the health and safety of public safety personnel


NIPSH contributes to first responder health science through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of firefighter and law enforcement research data


We educate stakeholders on first responder health through presentations targeted to the fire service and law enforcement communities


Members of the NIPSH team serve on local, state, and national committees and task forces dedicated to improving first responder health and well-being

Our “Why”

Fire, EMS, and law enforcement represent some of the most dangerous professions in the United States. This danger not only comes from the physical nature of first responders’ on-duty activities, but from the exposures they experience during those activities.

SINCE 1977

Sudden cardiac death has been the leading cause of on-duty firefighter death in the U.S. nearly every year1

46.5 YEARS

Average age at death due to on-duty heart attack among U.S. law enforcement officers (1997-2018)2


Classification of a firefighter’s work exposure by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)3


Mean difference in life expectancy between male NY police officers and the general U.S. male population4



of U.S. states lack a specific health and wellness program for EMS workers5


Estimated number of on-duty injuries (28%) resulting in lost work time in 2021 among U.S. firefighters6

1 Campbell R and Petrillo JT. Fatal Firefighter Injuries in the US in 2022. National Fire Protection Association, June 2023.
2 Violanti JM, Fekedulegn D, Shi M, Andrew ME. Hidden danger: A 22-years analysis of law enforcement deaths associated with duty-related illnesses (1997–2018). Policing. 2020.
3 Volume 132: Occupational Exposure as a firefighter. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). July 2022.
4 Violanti JM, Fekedulegn D, Hartley TA, Andrew ME, Gu JK, Burchfiel CM. Life expectancy in police officers: a comparison with the U.S. general population. Int J Emerg Ment Health. 2013.
5 2020 National Emergency Medical Services Assessment. National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO), May 2020.
6 Campbell R and Hall S. United States Firefighter Injuries in 2021. National Fire Protection Association, December 2022.

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Indianapolis, IN


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