Pilot Fitness and Nutrition Intervention in Law Enforcement Officers

Deliver a 6-month fitness and nutrition intervention to improve officer cardiovascular health

    • Completed Projects
    • July 2018
    • cardiovascular disease, fitness, law enforcement officer health, nutrition

Funding Source: Independent contract with an Indiana law enforcement department

PI: Carolyn M. Muegge, PhD

Project Aims: Evaluate improvements in clinical and lifestyle-related CVD risk factors among law enforcement officers following a six-month nutrition and fitness educational pilot.

Project Description:

n=9 law enforcement officers received a comprehensive physical examination followed by a six-month nutrition and fitness pilot intervention consisting of individualized nutrition counseling and the development of a personalized exercise plan. Pre- and post-intervention assessments included fitness testing, metabolic and standard lipid laboratory testing, advanced lipid panels, and inflammatory biomarkers testing.


Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash